Peter has worked as NORAPC’s Health Planner for 3 years. In this role he works to ensure the membership of the Planning Council have the best possible information for making decisions regarding the Ryan White Part A program. In this role, Peter chaired the HIV Week of Awareness Planning Committee for two years, currently sits on the New Orleans HOPWA Modernization Core Committee, and has engaged closely with a wide variety of stakeholders working to develop an Ending the HIV Epidemic strategy for New Orleans. Prior to joining NORAPC Peter worked with the District of Columbia Primary Care Association, where he focused on public policy issues impacting Federally Qualified Health Centers in the District. Additionally, Peter served as a health extension volunteer with the Peace Corps in Ethiopia. Peter holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Public Health from the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Tulane University. While attending school in New Orleans, Peter interned with NORAPC for three years, during which time he was able to gain knowledge, skills, and experience working in the HIV field. Peter is committed to working towards health equity for all those who call the New Orleans area home.