The mission of the New Orleans Regional AIDS Planning Council is to develop and maintain a comprehensive system of care for persons living with HIV in the New Orleans area that is accessible, responsive, culturally sensitive and of the highest quality to ensure that all persons living with HIV live with dignity.
A high quality comprehensive, coordinated HIV care system to promote improved overall health outcomes, through a care system devoid of stigma and discrimination, free from fragmentation, consistent with client empowerment and choices, treatment guidelines, and availability and access for all, ultimately resulting in fewer new infections in the New Orleans area.
What the Planning Council Does
The New Orleans Regional AIDS Planning Council (NORAPC) is the public planning body that plans for the distribution of federal Ryan White Part A funds. NORAPC roles and responsibilities include:
1) Set up rules to help the planning council to operate smoothly and fairly (planning council operations including bylaws, open meetings, grievance procedures, and conflict of interest policies.)
2) Train in participants in public planning for HIV. Once trained, the main task for the planning council is to find out what services are needed and what populations need care (needs assessment).
3) Decide what services to fund in the area (set priorities) and then decide how much Ryan White Part A money should be used for each of these services (allocate resources).
4) Develop a plan on how to provide these services (comprehensive care plan or integrated plan).
5) Look at ways Ryan White Part A services work to fill gaps in care with other Ryan White programs (through the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need) as well as other services like Medicaid (coordination).
6) Evaluate how efficiently the grantee selects providers and how well their contracts and reimbursements are monitored. This is called assessing the efficiency of the administrative mechanism.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
The New Orleans Regional AIDS Planning Council (NORAPC) is reopening our new member recruitment drive to join the AIDS Planning Council. Please use the website form to complete an application for new members before the next meeting in October. If you have any questions about the Planning Council or this announcement please contact Dalton Savwoir, Jr, Program Manager at We welcome your interest in working with the Ryan White Part A Planning Council. Click here to fill out an application. Please click here to download the NORAPC recruitment flyer!
What is Undetectable = Untransmittable (U = U)
New Orleans Mayor, LaToya Cantrell, affirms the City's commitment to Undetectable = Untransmittable
Bruce Richman, the founder of the U=U campaign, discusses the message and its impact
Get Involved
Apply to be a Planning Council Member. Membership applications are considered on a rolling basis. Interviews typically occur between June and August.
Ryan White Part A funds are administered by the Ryan White Services and Resources (RWSR), a division of the New Orleans Health Department, to provide a comprehensive system of care. The program provides access to HIV services which enable persons living with HIV to get into care and remain in care.